
The farm
Armand Heitz

Why breeding

In 2017, I realized that a wine estate , even with all the labels, is neither autonomous nor sustainable. This is how I wanted to diversify my activity with breeding in order to move towards a more virtuous agronomic model . Reintegrating the animal into the heart of a farm is essential. It consumes grass or harmful insects and returns as much microbiology to the soil as possible with its droppings. It recycles our waste and contributes to natural selection. A pasture without animals is a pasture doomed to disappear .


The agronomic work of these lands is fascinating. The farm is almost autonomous. A rotation of plantations is carried out on each plot in order to improve the biological activity of the soil and diversify animal nutrition. From April to November, they enjoy pastures and feed on grasses. In winter, hay and haylage with rotation between legumes and ryegrass. Animal nutrition is crucial for meat quality.


The herd of cattle consists of two noble breeds: Charolais and Salers . This allows me to offer pure breeds but also crosses. Charolaise has recognized beefy qualities . The Salers will for its part provide a more marked marbling and an intense gastronomic flavor. The crossing of the two breeds proves interesting to combine these qualities but also other specific attributes, particularly for calving .


The females come from a cross of two breeds : the Limousine , which has significant hardiness, and the Suffolk whose breeding and dairy qualities, but also beef, are recognized. My rams are pure Charolais with beefy qualities which allow them to obtain a mild and delicate taste. They have little fat, which contributes greatly to the finesse of the meat . The lambs are therefore the fruit of half Suffolk, half Limousine mothers, and 100% Charolais fathers.

Animal wellbeing

At the estate, animal welfare is as important as environmental impact. I advocate reasoned and responsible breeding , as opposed to industrial breeding and its excesses. In France, 800,000 males per year are exported to Italy to be fattened there at a lower cost. The meat of females is in the minds of many buyers more tender than that of males. We have chosen to market young uncastrated males in order to avoid this deportation and this ecological aberration .


We refuse to work with partners who only want fillet and ribs. Where is the respect for the animal in only putting a tiny part of its meat on the market? We have the privilege of working directly with local restaurateurs and caterers who share our values ​​and beliefs. We also offer boxes of different formats and pieces for individuals .